Michael Chance Countertenor
Michael Chance Countertenor


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Recordings 1 to 10 of 31 for Composer Johann Sebastian Bach view all


Bach: Easter Oratorio

Bach: Mass in B Minor

Bach: St. John Passion

Bach: Christmas Oratorio

Bach: Sonatas for viola da gamba and harpsichord - Arias with obbligato viola da gamba

Bach: Cantatas Vol. 18 - Cantatas for Christmas, for the Feast of Epiphany, and for the First Sunday after Epiphany

Bach: Matthäus Passion

Bach: Cantatas Vol. 4 - Cantatas for the Sixth and Seventh Sundays after Trinity

Bach: Cantatas Vol. 13 - Cantatas for the First and Fourth Sundays in Advent

Bach: Johannes Passion