We invite you to hear a few samples of new recordings of lute songs made in Italy with the American lutenist Paul Beier.
You may also choose to download these samples in either compressed (mp3: 256kbps, 44100 Hz stereo), or very high resolution format (lossless flac).
We hope to make more music available to listen online in the future.
Greefe keep within and scorne to shew but teares

Michael Chance & Paul Beier, lute (2011)
You may download this sample in either compressed
MP3 format (256kbps, 44100 Hz stereo)
or lossless FLAC format.
Greefe keep within and scorne to shew but teares,
Since Ioy can weepe as well as thou:
Disdaine to sigh for so can slender cares,
Which but from Idle causes grow.
Doe not looke forth vnlesse thou didst know how
To looke with thine owne face, and as thou art,
And onely let my hart,
That knowes more reason why,
Pyne, fret, consume, swell, burst and dye.
Drop not myne eyes nor Trickle downe so fast
Drop not myne eyes nor Trickle downe so fast,
For so you could doe oft before,
In our sad farewells and sweet meetings past,
And shall his death now haue no more?
Can niggard sorrow yeld no other store:
To shew the plentie of afflictions smart,
Then onely thou poore hart,
That knowst more reason why,
Pyne, Fret, Consume, Swell, Burst and Dye.
Haue all our passions certaine proper vents
Haue all our passions certaine proper vents,
And sorow none that is her owne?
But she must borow others complements,
To make her inward feelings knowne?
Are Ioyes delights and deathes compassion showne,
With one lyke face and one lamenting part?
Then onely thou poore hart that know'st more reason why,
Pine, Fret, Consume, Swell, Burst, and Dye.
In darkness let me dwell

Michael Chance & Paul Beier, lute (October 2011)
You may download this sample in either compressed
MP3 format (256kbps, 44100 Hz stereo)
or lossless FLAC format.
In darkness let me dwell; the ground shall sorrow be,
The roof despair, to bar all cheerful light from me;
The walls of marble black, that moist'ned still shall weep;
My music, hellish jarring sounds, to banish friendly sleep.
Thus, wedded to my woes, and bedded to my tomb,
O let me living dye, till death doth come, till death doth come.